- Each candidate meeting the eligibility requirements must select a PROPOSER. The proposer must be a member in good standing of HHTC for at least two years.
- The proposer will assume the responsibility of managing the applicant’s progress through the entire process, and is the primary source of information about the candidate, and/or his/her family, interest in tennis, background, etc. The proposer must first contact the Chairperson of the Membership Committee who will review in detail the responsibilities of the proposer.
- The proposer will write a letter of recommendation and obtain two (2) additional letters from members who have been in good standing for at least two years.
- The proposer then sends the completed application, together with the letter of recommendation and additional letters, to the Chairperson of the Membership Committee.
- A member may write only one letter per year either proposing or endorsing a new member. Members of the Membership Committee may not endorse or propose a candidate.
- The Membership Committee shall review and consider each application. Coordinating with the Membership Chairperson, each proposer will then schedule his/her candidate to attend a morning coffee at the clubhouse. At least three members of the Membership Committee, the President of HHTC and other members of the Board, as the President requests, will attend.
- Following the coffee, a list of applicants proposed will be posted in the clubhouse or e-mailed to the membership. The Committee encourages written comments relative to the applicants.
- The Membership Committee will present its recommendations to the Board, and the Board will then vote on each candidate. The Board reserves the right to accept or reject any application.
- The Membership Chairperson will inform each proposer of the Board’s decision.
- Once an applicant is approved, he or she will be accepted if additional memberships are available, or if not, they will be placed on a wait list for the appropriate membership category. When an applicant moves from the wait list to an active membership status, both the proposer and applicant will be notified.
- LEGACY VS. NON-LEGACY: New memberships shall be considered “legacy” provided at least one of the new members under the membership is the child or grandchild of a current member in good standing. All new memberships not meeting this condition shall be considered “non-legacy”.
- STOCKHOLDER’S CHILD/GRANDCHILD: A child/grandchild of a present stockholder who wishes to apply for membership should complete the application form and submit it to the Membership Chairperson. Supporting letters of recommendation are not necessary. Acceptance will be immediate if additional memberships are available. Otherwise they will be placed at the top of the wait list for the appropriate membership category.
- The INITIATION FEE for non-legacy applicants is $3,500 and $1,000 for legacy applicants.
- The applicant has one year to accept this membership. Otherwise, approval for membership expires.
Please direct all membership inquiries to:
Carolyn Richardson, HHTC Membership Chairperson
30 Knollcrest Road, Bedminster, NJ 07921
TEL: 908-326-3148 CELL: 908-256-3176
E-mail: richpcjj@aol.com