Harbor Head Tennis Club, Inc. takes the security of our member’s personal information very seriously. This site uses the most up to date industry standards (such as secure socket layer (SSL), encryption, and secure passwords) for securely storing data.
Only data related to your membership profile (name, address, email, phone, shareholder status, program enrollment, etc.) are stored on our site using the latest encryption technologies.Information in our Member Directory is only accessible to other club members when they are logged into the secure member side of the website.You may change, update or delete any of this data at any time.
No personal data will ever be shared with or sold to any outside parties.Credit card data is never stored on our site, and all payment transactions are processed off-site by our payment processing provider, Stripe.All credit card data is encrypted and transmitted in a secure way. You can verify this by looking for a lock icon and/or “https” in the address bar of the web page.This website uses Google Analytics to track how the site is used and to allow for optimization of the user experience.